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905 765 2004
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Yes, you have to remove our endplates to replace the shaft seal

Our critics aren't wrong about our endplates. But before you choose another valve, we have a question for you.

Some of our competitors will tell you that our endplates are more inconvenient because you have to remove them from the housing to replace the shaft seal assembly.

To that we say yeah, removing endplates is a part of the deal. But before you decide to go with their valves, which use packing glands as a shaft seal, do us a favor and look at your hands. Go on, really look at them. I'll wait.

What do they look like to you? If you said, well, they look like hamster hands, OK, we're happy to concede that our endplates are a little more inconvenient than the other guys. But if your answer had nothing to do with rodent-like size or dexterity, it changes the situation entirely. Let's face it, if you're like most maintenance people, you have strong and muscular hands with large fingers that resemble sausages or pickles.

With thick, albeit capable pickle fingers, it can be really difficult to get in there and replace the packing to prevent seal leakage. So what do you end up doing? Removing the endplate. Which doesn't make their equipment anymore convenient or easy, does it? In fact, depending on what kind of person you are, it might even make their endplates harder to remove because of the extra baggage of disappointment. On the subject of disappointment, I feel like it's a good time to mention that our sleeve-style shaft seal doesn't need constant adjustment like packing does. It doesn't need to be fiddled with or re-stuffed to do its job.

It's solid and it doesn't leak. You just leave it there until it needs replacing, which happens much less frequently than the other stuff. Have questions about why we design valves the way we do? Contact us here.

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