Another rotation around the sun, another year of great rotary valve literature. This month we’re celebrating a successful year with our colleagues, our customers, and our amazing family of valves and accessories. (Oh, and our real families!)
But the ACS blog is not just about us — it’s about how we can make your material conveying jobs easier. We’re happy to present 4 of the blogs you, our faithful readers, enjoyed the most in 2021.
What should we cover next year? If you have a special topic that interests you, let us know on social media. (LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.)
Why do rotary airlocks leak a little?
We’re glad this blog made the top 4 for a second year running, because it’s something every valve operator should know about. As it turns out, a little bit of air leakage is normal in a rotary airlock valve, because a small clearance allows it to rotate and convey your material. Here’s what you should know about leakage, including how to prevent more serious leaks.
Read the blog: Are rotary airlocks supposed to leak?
Do you need an air purge kit for your new valve?
The answer depends on your application, as this blog explains. Many systems benefit from kits because they blow air into specific areas of the rotary valve, preventing material from getting into places it shouldn’t be. In other words, kits keep material flowing smoothly.
Read the blog: I’m ordering a new rotary valve. Do I need an air purge kit?
What are common flow issues in bins, hoppers and silos?
We wrote this blog at one of our last tradeshow exhibits before things shut down, and it continues to be a hot topic. Flow issues come in so many forms, depending on your equipment and material properties, and it’s important to identify them properly before taking steps to fix them and prevent future issues.
Read the blog: Examining flow issues in bins, hoppers and silos
What are 8 key material characteristics?
The blog above concludes that to prevent flow issues, you need to know your material characteristics. So, here are the characteristics! We defined 8 of the most important ones, how they affect your material, and what types of equipment work well with them.
Read the blog: 8 material characteristics defined
See you in the next rotation
The ACS Valves family wishes you a warm, safe and happy holiday season. If you ever need to pick our brains about conveying with rotary airlock valves, just give us a call. We’ll be here to help — now and in the new year!